Entitled: a doppelganger at the library, and health things


it has been a rough week, but it has ended well, i think. i will not know until monday, but i have hope that it will do so.
to begin, i went to the library to pick up the book. it was not there, but the woman at the front desk referred me to the information desk to see about reserving a copy and there i had a startling experience. i walked up to the desk and sitting before me was a librarian (clearly) who was around my age. she was slightly heavy and had short very very curly hair. she had large cheeks and a wide grin and a wristband on. she was a doppelganger of a girl i have not seen in years. it’s not often that one runs into a true doppelganger. i find it’s much more common to run into a person who reminds you of someone else, but this was more than that. i was really taken aback. i spoke with her for a few moments while she put my book on reserve and learned that she is attending the reading group as well. it is unnerving though. it is a little bit scary. it is a bit of a reminder of unsettling times. of being abandoned during difficult times. it was a strange hit. i realized how much time has passed since i saw her and how much has changed. i am not the same person, not even in the same place. i have lost Tuesday and edward. i’m stripped pretty bare at this point. it’s just me, and for the most part i am happy. my health still pains me, and my family, but where i alone am concerned, i am content.
i miss all of these gone people. i really do. i will never speak to Tuesday again, she is dead and that is forever. will i ever speak to the others? i cannot say. i don’t know where anyone is anymore. i don’t know how to reach anyone, and i don’t think they care as i do, and in that way, to them, i am dead, and that is very likely forever.

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

so friday, i heard from dr. c (who i hated enough to weep about in therapy on thursday, but had clearly been “talked to” by dr. b about inappropriate comments by friday) that she had spoken to my endocrinologist who felt that while my test was indeed only borderline, she wanted to raise my synthroid because my symptoms were so out of control. that made me feel a lot better. then she called again to say i need a chest xray because my pulmonologist thinks i have a lower lobe pneumonia brewing. that made me feel REALLY happy, because you know what pneumonia can cause? really crushing depression! i have been living in fear for the past few days that my bipolar disorder was out of control again and that i was going to need to go back on meds. i did not want this in the worst way. i want to be able to handle it on my own. i am having the xray monday, and speaking to the endocrinologist then as well. i will handle this. i will. and if i do need psych meds again? well, that’ll be ok too. in the end, it won’t be forever, just a boost to get me past this time, and then i’ll be back to me.
it is hard this week. it’s the anniversary of finding out that Tuesday would die this coming week. my sister is scaring the shit out of me so badly that i have to push her whole world out of my mind just to keep from crying. my business is getting so busy i don’t have a second to myself and that’s a lot for a sick little girl such as myself.

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

i would like to write more now, but brokeback plumber is on the way here and i need to get dressed and clean!

TuNe In NeXt TiMe, SaMe Bat PlAcE, sAmE bAt PaGe...

atmosphere: foggy raining, but a little peeking sun

i'm feeling: achey, drowney and hungry

i learned: that i'm never going to "grow out" of this sick thing.

Submitted On: Saturday, Jun. 03, 2006 12:10 pm

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