Entitled: stories are back, cold is back, crazy sex, weight loss and cunts for neighbors.


my edits are here. i have to go over them at some point and send them back to the publisher. first i need to get some falls done though. i’m seriously falling behind. it’s bad. i can make a dent by thursday though, i know i can. i just need to stop dicking around.

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

winter finally came. i *really* thought we’d get away without it this year. i always think that, don’t i? well, yes, but this year, i was able to pretend all the way into january, and that is something else entirely.

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

my sex life has taken a truly odd turn in the past couple of months. i thought it was some weird fluke, but no, this is now the way things are. we used to have regular shenanigans 2 or 3 times a week. good shenanigans, happy shenanigans. nothing to complain about shenanigans. now, we have insanely cinematic, hour long minimum, crazy ridiculous, body smashing shenanigans about 1-2 times a week. one lasted almost 2 hours for the hot tub portion alone. i honestly cannot figure out why this has happened and bateman seems as surprised as i am. i’ve put more whole wheat in our diet, and i’ve fully recovered from the tick thing, but otherwise, i can’t figure out the cause. it’s nice though. it takes my body almost until the next episode to heal up from the previous one, and that’s a pretty good schedule.

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

i’ve started a concerted effort into working out in addition to the south beach thing. i bought one of those huge body balls. there’s one exercise i can’t do because i’m too short i think, but otherwise, that’s a lot of fun. i finally have something to use the atrium for also. my new schedule has me doing 40 minutes on the ball every day while watching some sort of crime thing that tivo has found for me. there’s nothing like murder and rolling about on the floor to get you smaller, i hope. 2lbs and 1” down. 18lbs to go.

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

i should go out food shopping again today. i’m running out of veggies, fast. i think i’m going to have to plant a garden this summer because this is expensive eating. i can easily grow my own zucchini, green peppers and cucumber though, that’s not a problem. i wonder if you can freeze zucchini? hard to say. i also need to get bateman to bleach my hair today. i’m looking ratty. and i need to re-dye, and blunt cut my ends. having freshly darkened hair and a skinnier abdomen really does something for you. i pulled out my old tackle box of makeup and got sad for a bit the other night. i never use my fun makeup anymore. i’m going to get smaller and remedy that.

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

so, we’ve started building our wall. our cunty neighbor slowed down the process for a few days, but starting monday, we’re back. i am going to exact my vengence upon her slowly, over the course of years. i’m thinking of planting some carrion flowers right on the property line for her to enjoy all summer long.

TuNe In NeXt TiMe, SaMe Bat PlAcE, sAmE bAt PaGe...

atmosphere: cold and windy

i'm feeling: cold and numb

i learned: cold still sucks as much in 2007 as it did in 2006

Submitted On: Saturday, Jan. 20, 2007 12:43 pm

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