Entitled: no money, books coming out = tension.


too much pressure. waaaay too much. this is the longest and shortest month in recorded history. it’s only the 14th and i have been BROKE for the better part of a week. this will not change till the 1st. i’m talking broke phi broke, broke. still, january holds no car insurance payments for me, so that will help a lot, i think. i’m also selling my extra power supply, which will also be awesome. i’d sell the second extra, but i can’t find the little plastic doohickey at the moment. i know i have a lot of them around here somewhere. i’ll find it, i will. still, goddamnit, when you’re poor, 30 days is a long time.

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

my book is due at the publisher on the 1st. the fucking first, people. that is CLOSE. i have three stories left to complete and 12 to edit before then. i need to do it though. it will be amazing. i’m getting an isbn number. i’ll be for sale on amazon.com. just like a littermaid litterbox. amazing!

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

i just measured the kitchen. bateman has a meeting far away tomorrow so as long as he does, i’m going to hang out in ikea and see if they can design me a kitchen to dream about. i am aware of the irony that i just complained about having neither time nor money and then went into kitchen shopping plans. a girl can dream though, can’t she? besides, i made some headway on a story today and might get some more done tonight. so close to the dream. so very very close.

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

i’ve felt alright for a little over two weeks now. it’s almost unnerving. i think my body is going to give me a break so i can finish this book. i really do. i’m going to take advantage. i hope the xmas gatherings this weekend don’t mess that up.

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

i really need to lose some pounds. maybe that’s why i baked an apple pie and made gingerbread dough the other night. goddamnit. i have to make naked gingerbread men and ladies for bestbud’s dad. and nice holiday ones for the normal holiday people. you cannot believe the process i had to go thorugh to find the cookie cutters from my childhood so i can make them all naked. apparently, they’re famous and antiques now. who knew?

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

i finally figured out the camera that the business is going to get. i hope i made the right decision. it seems like they all have huge plusses and huge negatives. there’s so many goddamned cameras out there. it’s insane.

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

i should go do real writing now. little at a time, chipping away, i can do this. i really can. maybe someone will even buy the book. i’ll be like jay sherman in every entry here.
buy my book! buy my book! buy my book!

TuNe In NeXt TiMe, SaMe Bat PlAcE, sAmE bAt PaGe...

atmosphere: late and pressure cooker like

i'm feeling: tired, nervous, and hopeful.

i learned: that i'm developing a 6th sense for the UPS man.

Submitted On: Friday, Dec. 15, 2006 12:36 am

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