Entitled: after my bday, where's anyone?


so my birthday has come and gone and only one teary bit from me. that�s not too bad i suppose.
i finally had to accept that 16 years of friendship with edward just didn�t mean all that much to him and it�s really over. not a peep from that camp. no, none for me. it is fair, i suppose. these things happen. but still for a chapter like that to end as it did really cut me deeply. it feels like my concept of the friendship was entirely a delusion. bateman insists that it is not my fault, that there really is nothing wrong with me. that it has happened to him as well. and when i nod and accept it, but still keep crying he simply says �lets talk about this tomorrow.�
it is hard to have a birthday as a grownup. no one really calls, and there are no presents. bateman says it is because our lives are so good every day that we�d have to have lots of money to really make a notable difference on a birthday and he�s probably right on that one. we live like kindergardeners. we both work from home. there are snuggle breaks whenever we choose. we can go to the movies on any afternoon and we do not have to put anything off. how is a birthday supposed to be any different?
the storyteller came in the evening though, and that did lift my day. it is nice to have a real flesh and blood human in my world who i can have a real conversation with, and yet, is not my boyfriend.
bateman and i are �in our 30�s� now. not just 30 anymore, but IN our 30�s. we could be on that thirtysomething show.
bleh on it. i hope his plans work out. i hope we are rich soon.

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

i read the book for the reading group in less than two days. it was actually quite good. it�s called the curious incident of the dog in the night-time and it went pretty quickly. not fight club quickly, but still. while i was reading it i called out to bateman that perhaps they are not being cute on brainiac when they say they can do maths, in fact, i think that in the UK they actually do say �maths� meaning many types of math, and not the way we say �internets� meaning, aren�t we cute, we use baby talk and we�re old people. bateman tells me �shhh! you�re supposed to be reading.� i tell him i am reading, and that is what i�m thinking while i�m reading. he says that is insane, and that he can only do one thing at a time, either think or read. i don�t know what to make of that. how does he process things?

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

my mom bought be an orchid for my birthday. she�d gotten me my �real� present, a swanky coach laptop bag with almost no leather on it, many months ago. my mother actually adheres to that idea. what a foul notion. the orchid, however, is really amazing. there are many sprays of purple spotted flowers that look like little fairies. i hope it�s getting the right amount of light. i washed the leaves today to give it a hand and i�ll just have to keep an eye on them. apparently, i�m shooting for a light green. too dark means too little light, and too light is not enough. there aren�t very many perfect windows in this house for such a thing and if it doesn�t take to the bay window, i�ll have to move some toys around in the kitchen. i fear the cat taking notice of the plant if i move it too much and my best plant window will be too stuffed come winter.

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

i would very much like a haircut. i got a coupon from my hairdresser for $5 off, which, all things considered, isn�t much except motivation to make an appointment. still, i�d like one. i just don�t know what to do. maybe i�ll get my sister�s advice. the problem is that when i cut it shorter, it gets all curley and who wants that?

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

i�m watching my niece on friday and i�m not sure what i�ll do with her. the weather should be nice. maybe we can do planting things. i really would like to do something like that and i certainly can�t get any work done while she�s here. hopefully she�ll be sleepy and then we can take a good long nap in the middle of the day. i have a secret nap weapon here. i have found her nap weakness. apparently, she cannot resist a nap with domo kun. he is the ultimate nap buddy. really though, that�s not odd. who doesn�t want to nap with a japanese monster?

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

i got bateman to go to the shenanigans store with me today. he�s just cowed in there. that is our most fundamental difference as people. our approach to sex and it�s function in the universe is so completely opposite one another. luckily, our approach to sex once we�re in our own house is right on track, so that works well. we spent almost $70 on only two things. why are sex things so expensive? it�s terrible when you spend that cash and then think, crap, that wasn�t really all that, i�m never using this toy again. luckily that wasn�t the case this time and i was really happy with what we got.

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

i am so lazy. i so need to do a store update. i have added things, but haven�t done a newsletter. i should do that, i really should. i have new products, how will people know otherwise?

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

monday will be 2 years since Tuesday died. that is now in the back of my mind on every birthday. �one week from now and it�s ____ years since Tuesday died.� happy birthday thoughts to me, eh? i try to push that thought far away. very very far. this year, with the blood parasite and the swollen brain, i can look back now and see how much closer to death i was than i even thought. i really did almost ruin everything. i almost died and left bateman alone here. fred too. i can�t do that. i can�t. but goddamn, i mean, it happened to her, and that makes it seem so much more possible. i don�t want it to be though, so i�m pushing it away. one year on my birthday, i won�t think about it even once. i hope.

TuNe In NeXt TiMe, SaMe Bat PlAcE, sAmE bAt PaGe...

atmosphere: late, i hear bugs outside

i'm feeling: smops

i learned: that i can get a lot done with a lil' help.

Submitted On: Wednesday, Aug. 16, 2006 12:59 am

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