Entitled: managed care sucks, sex injuries, clubbing, decor and more


something nearly unpleasant is brewing in my belly.
i’m not sure what it is, but it’s an odd sort of just under the ribs, nauseaus pressurey feeling. i’’m trying to green tea it away. bateman keeps saying i’m sick. but, i don’t feel sick, well, not super sick. i’m completely abnormally tired, that’s for sure. especially since the fingerstick crit was 41. hmm. i just don’t know. luckily, i really have no organs left over there. it hurts worst on the left side you see, and my spleen is long lost to the biohazard bin and i don’t even have a gallbladder.

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

bateman and i have been discussing the idea of going back to clubville. that is, actually dressing up and leaving the house every so often. sadly, there was nothing happening this evening, but next saturday, it looks like there’s something going on so maybe we’ll go out. i think we’re hitting that february crash zone. the point at which it’s been over 4 months of being stuck inside and we start getting a little punchy. at least this year there’s been significantly less family stress to deal with.

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

so yeah, i started that two days ago. that tummy issue? it is so full blown, and it’s not a tummy issue. it’s managed care that’s causing it. more specifically, after 15 years on the same pill, they’ve decided i have to swtich to a generic version and now i’m all pukey and crampy and bleh. hopefully this will pass. i just cannot give up taking the pill. even if bateman had a vasectomy, i couldn’t do it. how anyone can deal with getting a period every 4 weeks is beyond me. i can never go back! never, you hear me!?!
also? my head hurts which i thought was hormones but i now realize is from being slammed into the wall a hundred times during shennanigans. i hate how stuff like that is super fun while you’re doing it, and even after, but man, you wake up the next morning and you have a lump on your head.

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

as for clubville? and THIS is crazy, i started talking online to this guy i knew from collge, who was actually my secret admirer (yes, i had one! complete with secret notes and such) back then has told me of two twice monthly parties in the city that seem like the sort of thing that might help us ease back into society. it’s so ridiculous how far away from it we’ve fallen. last saturday night was spent staring into the toilet bowl and commenting on the blueness of the water. that’s just not right, people. not right at all.

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

the rug is here. i like it, but the dots make me a little dizzy. i tell bateman of my furniture plans and he doesn’t seem to mind. he just says “you’re going to put an ottoman ON the rug? you’re a stacker!” and i suppose that is true, but i have a pretty good idea of what it’s going to look like. it turns out though that we need to buy some more toys to fill the space. imagine that!

TuNe In NeXt TiMe, SaMe Bat PlAcE, sAmE bAt PaGe...


i'm feeling:

i learned:

Submitted On: Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2006 2:21 pm

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