Entitled: Stilll ugly, buy me a gold membership!!!, Post Op Fred, divorce, mothers in law, etc.


well, it took a week, but fred is back to normal now. still, for a whole week he was quiet and sleepy and so NOT fred that i thought we broke him by having him spayed. but no. now he’s fred to the tenth power and back to his kitteny ways. a little less interested in making a dash out the door, but still, pretty damned fredlike.

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

so my brother and his wife are getting a divorce. i kind of knew that was her plan from the time they got back here. her behavior seemed to telegraph it for the twenty or so minutes that i saw her, but i was hoping it wouldn’t be. i just do not know how my niece isn’t going to end up on the pole. at the very least, she’ll be living in a gas chamber for half the time and that’s just sad. smoking in a room, or even “just outside” with the amount those people smoke, it’s still horrible. what’s most sad of all is that this could have all been predicted about 3 years ago. i dunno. i feel bad for my brother and i feel bad for my niece. i’d hate to be a 25 year old divorced person. i just couldn’t deal with that. if either of them date and introduce my niece to their date, i will be so horrified, i cannot describe it. i KNOW one of them will fuck up in this manner, i just know it. gah. GAH.

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

so, it’s finally happened. my pseudo mother in law went over the top with me and now i’m screening all of my calls. i just can’t do it. i’ve been with bateman for almost 4 years now, and i still can’t navigate his family safely, so i think i’m just going to stay out of the water. now that we’re in the house, i don’t really have to deal much anyway. bateman told me to just act like a tourist in iraq. well, in saddam controlled iraq. just smile and don’t talk and for the love of god, make it seem like you’re enjoying smiling and not talking. but i can’t. i’m too easily lulled into feeling accepted and then i DO talk and then BLAM. roadside bomb. 3 people dead. well, no more.
i’ve already put an ad up on craig’s list looking for a landscape designer. we’ll do the plantings ourselves, i just want someone to design the yard. i’m hoping we can get someone willing to barter for it. anyone know a great landscape designer? I need someone like Ignacio on judging amy. someone into the whole gestalt of the yard. i dunno. i’m not quite sick in bed, that is, i’m in bed, but i’m not quite sick. i’m working on sick and i’m definitely not well. i should probably go to the doctor, but she might send me into the pulmonologist. i also need to call the immunologist about my infusion, but if they hear me coughing on the phone and i tell them how i am, they might want me to come in as well. new hyde park, man. that’s far away. and i already have an appointment for my first mammogram on monday (and i’m nervous, because, as i like to say, it’s negative until they tell you it’s positive) and it just seems like a lot at once. it’s really not. it’s really almost nothing. but it *seems* like a lot, and that’s what matters.
i’m not sure what it’ll be about, but i’m pretty sure i’m going to cry in crazytown today.

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

i need an interesting haircut. but i want my hair to stay long. does anyone read this anymore? if you do, and you know of an interesting, long haircut good for semi wavy hair, well, let me know. i need change.

TuNe In NeXt TiMe, SaMe Bat PlAcE, sAmE bAt PaGe...


i'm feeling:

i learned:

Submitted On: Thursday, Jan. 05, 2006 11:40 am

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