Entitled: My house, cold, tests, cats.


i just finished re-reading pet sematary. that means this is really my house now. i really do live here.
the book has lost a little bit of it’s grip on my and i think that might be because this was the first time i’ve ever read it where i knew for the entire time that i wasn’t going to sleep alone that night.

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

it’s so insanely cold out. i was going to go food shopping when i woke up, while bateman was still sleeping, but then i checked the computer. it’s FIVE degrees out. yes. 5. that’s just stupid. 5 degrees is literally just dumb. who came up with that idea? it’s unholy. and it’s only december!! february, aka hell’s armpit, is still somewhat far away. my bones are aching. and just today, my wrists and ankles are hurting specifically. i think it’s fake though. i think subconsciously, i’m giving myself symptoms of lupus because the doctor said i might have it. i’m SURE i don’t have lupus. i can’t. i just can’t! that wasn’t in the bargain. the deal is cancer or diabetes, one of those, but lupus? that’s just silly. i really should call them tomorrow and find out what the test results said. why am i putting off all this stuff lately? i need an ekg too. and a mammogram. putting it all off. all of it.
you’re negative until someone tells you otherwise, you know?

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

if your cat hasn’t grown in better than two months, and it’s at least 5 months old, possibly 6 is it done growing? does anyone know? i’d love to think that fred is just going to be a 5lbs cat. that would rock. he’s evil and psychic, and he keeps trying to live in the christmas tree, but we love him all the same. and we’d love him more if he were going to stay super tiny. who doesn’t love a little mini beast?i have to have him spayed (pay attention, he’s a she, but we call her him.) i’m hoping it will keep him from wanting to get outside so much.

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

i’m ravenous, and now i’m ravenous in a house with no food because it’s FIVE DEGREES OUT. grrrrr.

LaTeR, iN aNoThEr PaRt Of ToWn

i’m finally getting my medicine tomorrow. thank christ. i can’t stop coughing and i feel slightly ill all the time. it’ll be better once the meds are in. i’m sure it will. it has to, this is winter. this is the hard time.

ps. if i don’t write something real soon, i’ll explode, i think.

TuNe In NeXt TiMe, SaMe Bat PlAcE, sAmE bAt PaGe...

atmosphere: Just woke, it's so cold.

i'm feeling: Hungry, thirsty, tired.

i learned: That spending the day with my dad alone has become pretty fun.

Submitted On: Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2005 10:51 pm

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